Jerome is back to working on Wagonhound's Mud Wagon. Stain finish has been applied to the bottom of the body. He will spend the afternoon sandblasting the irons. Next he will paint all the ironwork.
Seth is starting the leatherwork on Cheyenne Frontier Days front and rear boots. A lot of upholstery goes into a stagecoach the seats, boots and most importantly the thorough-braces. Thorough-braces are straps of leather cured to the strength of steel and strung in pairs to support the body of a stagecoach and enable it to swing back and forth. This cradle-like motion absorbs the shocks of the road. Thorough braces are carefully fashioned and elaborate in arrangement, and it usually requires the hides of more than a dozen cattle to provide enough leather for a single coach.
The original upholstery pattern is finished on Sun Valley's original mountain wagon. All that are left is the finishing touches and it will be ready to hitch.

Here is Joe's finished wagon turned restaurant booth. As you can see the sides were extended outward to accommodate comfortable seating. This wagon will be a unique dining experience for anyone.
Brian's Prairie Schooner's panels have been installed along with the tool and jockey boxes. Today he is going to start on the spray paint job.